Praed Orchestra!
Live In Sharjah
Morphine Records

The Last Invasion
Praed Orchestra!
▸Doomsday Survival Kit
Praed Orchestra!
▸Mirage 72
Praed Orchestra!
▸Embassy of Embarrassment
Praed Orchestra!
▸The Micro Dwarf Wave
Praed Orchestra!
▸The Spy who Spoke too much
Praed Orchestra!
Praed Orchestra!
▸3 x LP – Live in Sharjah Box Set + Booklet. designed by Lorenzo Mason Studio.
If you’ve ever travelled to Egypt and wandered through its crowded streets, you probably ended up buying a cassette or a CDR of popular synth based music heard in most cabs, cabarets, or alleys around town: the almighty Shaabi.Raed Yassin and Paed Conca based their project PRAED on research between Shaabi and Mouled (traditional trance music from Egypt) and the hypnotic structures of both these genres. Repetitive beats, loud Mizmar and loads of energy, with a strong influence from psychedelic rock, free jazz and electronica.